19 January 2009

Cigar Cracker

Style: retro metal, energy, raw, loud, early 70s, noisy

Intro > Verse > Chorus > Intro > Verse > Chorus (x2) > Verse > Outro
Intro | A | A | (beat 4/4)

Verse | A | A |
| C (free form drums) | A (2nd time Stop) |

Chorus A | C-D-D#-D-C-A-C-A-G | (beat 3/4)
| F | D7 | (X4)

Outro A | C-D-D#-D-C-A-C-A-G | (X16) bass only > other comes
> A (end)
Crack a cigar we don't know, Crack a humor we don't know
Crack a fortune, ain't no telling, that's our future getting old

"Now" is not world i know, "Peace" is not the world i know
won't you feel it, sick of faking now, Hell is everything i know


"Shine" is not word i know, "Shame" is not the word i know
Be a failure, be a stranger, before your dream is getting cold

Hey Lip Stack Let Jack Dead Check, goin' minute after minute hours
Laugh with sadness, cry with fear, be my hero, sell your soul

She got it all along the wickest way,
feeling hot, the way she walks, the way she moves,
the way she's catching me, ignoring me, elevation burning hard

Crack a cigar we don't know, be a cracker we don't know
won't u feel it, won't you blow it now, the wickest gonna be that way
----------------------------------Written by kokdamon@chawoko

05 June 2008

Forever Unfinished 意猶未盡

If you wanna help just come around
Shine the light in Darkness every night
Spread the love to people who stay alive

Kiss away your pain, Healing of Heart
Emotional Breakdown, Long Way to Go

Let's unite together
For what we can do,
will be, unfinished

Happiness, Hopes, WIshes, the Will to Survive
Food, water, a place to stay

God will do the miracle
Guiding with his shadow
Send down fallen Angels
Blessing to the people


30 April 2008

PsyPoster for Fans!

PsyPoster for Fans!

chawoko 茶走 Wanch Psychedelic Collage Art Poster.

Dedicate to my wonderful band members:
Sing on bass
Lawrence on guitar
Kay on drums
kokdamon on guitar/vocal

One day, we'll get back together and jam out the blues.

kokdamon Design.
Photos by ArthurJim.

15 February 2008


十多年前beyond的黃家駒說 : 「香港沒有樂壇, 只有娛樂圈」.
More than ten years ago, Koma Wong from Beyond said: Music Circle is not exist in HK, except "Fish Happy Circle".

現在茶走低音結他手阿昇說:「香港沒有娛樂圈, 只有男極圈」.
now, bassist Sing from Chawoko said: There's no "Fish Happy Circle" in HK, except "Man Extreme Circle".

31 January 2008

a u experienced?

We're so thankful after the live show experience, here's a replay for anyone who interest in our music > Chawoko 茶走 Live At Wanch mp3 FREE DOWNLOAD, 29Jan08 recorded.

Photos: check out brilliant Arttik Flickr looks like a great live.
we appreciate hot hot effort from Mushrm too.

Watch: Video@youtube

--------------Vielen Danke:
Drummer 阿基 Kay - we can't make it without u. hope u a getting well from the sick. Lead Guitar Lawrence - lots of people look forward to hear your guitar louder !!! Bass 昇 Sing - let us play across the universe... singing in the dead of night.

--------------Nice2Have u:
Arthur, Mushroom, 龍Stoneshower, AbelXavier 途, Gabriel, 金子EricKam (love your psychedelic Filming style), JasonLin, Benny n fd, Kelvin@HigherAdam, Hood/FungYee/Victor@mmms, 小華SiuWan, Peter, Candy, Dick (ex drummer), Terry, Ashley+Beatrix@folktales, Adam@SpermaticChord n Eric.

--------------Please2Meet u:
Transnoodle people, having fun with your sound! Claudio@Violent Jokes. Sea Monsters people: Yasushi (drum), Hiroshi (g), Yoji (mix): we enjoy your experimental set, would love to see next time with Shadow as well!
Koya: you're such a marvelous n groovy bassist! thx so much for inviting us to play with you, it means alot to us.

--------------For those who miss the show:
Fei (thx for the DV cam), ArYu, Phonna, Minghiu, Daniel, Kay, Nikko, Ding, MartinFung, Olive, Janet, Vincci, Sin:ead, KK, PaulChiu, Kan, 文西... hope u can join next time!

thx so so sooooo much,

p.s. you're my inspiration, meine chiquita Rahel. I'm sure one day you can be here in my concert, let's pray xxx

22 January 2008

Show Ready?!

after the rehearsal at Hot Focus, we're ready for the show on the coming Tuesday, are you coming?!

29th Jan 2008, at Wanch - 54 Jaffe Road. WanChai.
(10 mins walk from Wan Chai MTR Exit G)
9:30pm Free Entrance for 3 Bands!

1/ 21:30 to 22:10 Chawoko - Psy Blues
2/ 22:10 to 23:20 Transnoodle - Ska Latin
3/ 23:20 to 00:30 Sea Monsters - Experimental

01 November 2007


A tribute to 夏金城 (from 1980 debut album 為了靚靚)

|G |Em |Am |D |

|G |Em |Bm |Em |
|D |C |Am |D |
|G |Em |Bm |Em |
|D |B |Em |B |

|Em |G |Em |Am |
|B |Em |B |Em |
|Bm | |Em |Am |
|D |Em |A |D |

My Rock Cover Version mp3
Kok/guitar+out tune vocal; Abel/bass; Wai/Drums

related post 股晶與我

25 September 2007


失落了在搖滾儀式之中。" quote from 迷你噪音 mininoise

26 May 2007

審判茶走 The Chawoko Trial

審判茶走 The Chawoko Trial


藉着我們甦醒前, 嘗試在疑慮不安的氣氛中靜悄悄地離去...
感覺默然仿似隱悔婦人面臨着不能回頭的決擇, 依然無情忍痛, 棄下初到人間的小生命.

滿足渴求, 是最終目的, 還是迷失時期的過渡?


一意孤行地堅持, 還是藝術家的執着?

強行走向完美, 還是欠缺說服力的無奈叫喊?


也許玩世不恭的末日態度, 總需要喘息空間來協調生話的每處陰暗面,
灰色地帶也可以恐怖得使人窒息, 黑白(做與不做)之間存在着的虛無絕望, 比失去更難捉摸.



一個方法行唔通, 就由另一個方向再試.

時機從來不會垂手可得, 但這不能構成一個放棄的理由(藉口).
深覺信念和欲望依然旺盛, 團火仲喺度, 只係轉化為另一種不流於表面的形態.
心境怎會老, Rock and Roll Heart for the rest of my Life.

歌, 錄音, 演出, 自己, 分享

六個月. 2007, Jun to Dec.

練, 夾時間, 中文詞, 共同編曲, 彈奏的配合與改進, 更有效溝通方式, 尋途徑>理想錄音師/室

珏(Guitar+Vocal), 進(Lead Guitar), 昇(Bass), 基(Drums)

沉, 抽離, 藍, 幻, 暗, 陰, 迷, 鬱, 抑, 火, 憤, 深, Groovy

一年的默契, 信念的共識/體會, Feel, 3CD(新曲+精選)的潛力

耐性, 尊重, 樂觀, 投入, 參與, 貢獻, 收放, 一致性, 相向, 信任, 堅持, 想象力, 心, 勇氣, 批評, 彈性, 標準, 效率, 積極, 進取, 和諧

猶豫, 拖延, 埋怨, 關閉, 猜測, 盲目跟隨, 失控, 壓抑, 懶散, 疏離, 過分謹慎, 怕犯錯, 焦慮, 名利, 逃避

少了廢話, 熱誠未減, 少了天真, 態度照舊.
繼續好懶認真, 繼續流着搖滾的血.

不甘心, 不等於固執. 她可以是一種既"富抽離幻想又充滿美感的執迷".

誰能帶走我們的感覺? 只要有過一起經歷和享受的過程, 最後的成敗得失與結果已不再重要.

p.s. 感謝容許小弟在此再次表達愚見共勉之...

15 May 2007

Wintertime Angels

Intro - [slowly fade in, lightly]
> Verse > Chorus - [quiet, low, one guitar & bass]
Inter - [drums come in, volume increase]
> Verse > Chorus - [rhythm, high]
Inter - [jam]
> Verse - [ending, dark, high & low]

Intro / Inter
|Dm | |Am | |
|E7 | |Am | |

||Dm |Am |E7 |Am |
|Dm |Am |E7 |Am E7 ||
Wintertime I'm feeling Dark and Grey
Make a living never easy way
Even-through you think it's quite OK
When my Humor is Dry

The Air is Cold, The Sun is far Away
Fish will not Jump out anyway
I'm always Lazy, never getting Rich
who need a Good-Looking Lady

|A# |Dm/A |G7 | |
One of these Freezing Evenings,
In the Park Alone I'm Drunk and Playing
My (sexy) out-of-tune Guitar
Catching little Angels Falling Down and Fade

One of these Rainy Evenings,
In the Park again I'm Drunk and Playing
My (Wet and) Rusty Guitar
Watching little Angels Landing Close and Stay
Dm 557567
Am X02012
E7 022130
A# 6XX76X
Dm/A 5XX76X
G7 3XX43X

13 May 2007

Hearty Apple Pie

|A G/E |A G/E | (X2)

|A G/E |A G/E | (X2)
|D D/A |D D/A |
|A G/E |A G/E |

Chorus 1:
|F |E7 |

|A G/E |A (Stop) |

(Verse) (Chorus) > whistle

Chorus 2:
|F |E7 |
|D D/A |D D/A |
|F |E7 (Stop) |
|A G/E (Slow) |
|A G/E |
|A G/E |A |

If you Come, gonna bring me back Summertime
If you Come, how Long i Miss you Nevermind
If you Come, carry the passion of sunshine
If you Come, Beautiful Dancing Butterfly
My Heart feels like kids with an Apple Pie

(whistle part)

If it's True, I'm the Luckiest man in the World
If it's True, I'm the Best for you like no other
Yes, it's Real, on my way coming over
If it's True, Forever Stay in your Broken Heart

Sweet time, Sweet time, for the rest of your Life
My Heart feels like seeing you the Very First Time
the Very First Time...

01 May 2007

Shadow of us

22 April 2007

五人時期 Beyond @ ATV Live

I can never imagine something like this once happened, a live recording of "Long Way Without Friends", "Arabian Dancing Girl". Awesome solo from 黃家駒 (slide!), Paul & 劉志遠.

What the Hell, Let's Cover 豈有此理!

After the Chawoko jam session at Hot Focus 20/F. we had such a crazy dinner, Ar Sing never disappoints us with his fast-catching sense [1/camera, 2/lift button], and the interview reporter characteristic, who posting us some inspiring philosophical questions. Danke schon. Nothing much to say, here's one of the best cantonese rock ballad, let's do a cover next time!

藍戰士 Blue Jeans 豈有此理
曲/編:黃良升 詞:某人(黃泰葉?!)

Intro > Verse1 (x2) > Bridge1 > Chorus1
> Verse2 (solo) > Bridge2 > Chorus2

|C C/B |Am |Dm C |G F |
|Em Am |G |F |C |
|D A |(x3) |E |

|A A/G#|F#m |Bm A |E |
|C#m F#m |E |D |A |

|D A |(x3) |E |
|D A |(x3) |E |A |

|F#m |C#m |D E |A |
|F#m |C#m |D |E |
|A A/G#|F#m |Bm A |E |
|C#m F#m |E |D |A |

月冷星淒風蕭索 仍是未慣獨我行 長夜說荒唐 總少你
問到底幾許掙扎 濃霧劃破是太陽 年月歎從容 竄身退

從前同話過 勝利 火中花香且燙 抓緊它 一於要得到
吶喊呼叫 悲觀充塞憤怒 憂鬱掩飾冷酷 豈有此理

熱情熱誠熱愛 困擾著未來 找不到振作所在
盡情盡狂盡放 比煙花燦爛 難自控 你我已變癲瘋
讓理想冰封生鏽 疲倦面對俗世人 雲霧裡躲藏不相見

情隨時日變勝利 火中花香且燙 欣賞它不必要得到
又再衝刺 (吶喊呼叫) 清風分躺兩袖 (悲觀充塞憤怒)
彼此應該信任 (憂鬱掩飾冷酷) 一再擁有 (豈有此理)

熱情熱誠熱愛 要感受未來 忍 不需要靠走運
盡情盡狂盡放 此生多燦爛 期望你與我鳥瞰天空
用信心輕輕輸送 成敗面對願我能 能讓我光芒 閃一次

30 March 2007

荼走南丫音度之旅 Chawoko Mystery Lamma Tour

領隊+鼓手+前鋒阿基, 抽離團員阿昇, 結他手阿珏, 防守阿進
1. 今天天氣不算太美, 但是還可以
2. 雖然很擔心遲到, 仍然有頗大機會不準時
3. 寒凉的感覺大慨是由於巴士司機心火盛
4. 為何如此大意讓渴血的蚊先生無忌地進入我的私睡空間呢
here's a video for our memory, pack lunch, hiking, soccer, windmills, high & dry...

29 March 2007

will i ever see myself again

People to people, hanging around,
I'm feeling purple swallow the sound,
all the people i know, keep the noise down
somewhere beneath underground

Did i ever dreaming of my dream
coz i never have a chance to scream so... loud
then i used to sleep outside my dream
will i ever see myself again

Stranger to stranger, talking non-sense
I'm feeling devil, to lick your ears now
Sacrifice my soul, my little drunken angel
Pretend you're everything i know

It's alright... it's ok

11 March 2007

Tomorrow Comes from Yesterday

|E |G |Bm |Asus G|
Hey Hey do you really wanna say
What a world we live no way
out of here the past of holiday, wow wow

Hey Hey do you really wanna stay
There's no place to hide away
Tomorrow Comes from Yesterday how

|E |G |A |E D|
No, you'll never really fake it
Flying over shoulder
Carry my revolver, on load

No, you'll never really blow it
Time suppose to get over
Tired enough to know, that I don't

(A tribute to Ziggy Stardust)

God no Religion Blues

Holy God, can you stop the world crying
Holy God, can you touch everyone's heart
Put my tears into notation
Ain't no life without a hard time

Spiritual God, tell me what i'm gonna do
Spiritual God, tell me where my life leading to
Lay a shadow miles ahead
understood while lookin' back

Almighty God, in the name of truth
Almighty God, in the name of forgiveness
I don't believe in religion
but I find you deep inside my heart

Not for you, gal!

Is the conversation over?!
While i'm thinking way ahead,
Just the same old talking,
I ain't no fool for you, gal
Go back home to your mama
They will give you what you said

I'm not the one to please you
oh, baby, please don't play the trick
I'm not the one to be with you
oh, dear, please don't play the trick
I'm happy to be sad,
a little satisfaction being mad

Oh come on wait a minute,
oh stop telling me about it,
Pull out the same old shit,
i ain't no fool for you, gal!
come on, don't you get it?!
Go back home to your papa,
they'll believe to everything you said


Mr. Blind, you've been gamblin' all your life,
Mr. Blind, I can see you so uptight,
when the money goes easy,
you've been losing all the time

Mr. Blind, you've been drinkin' through the night,
Mr. Blind, say you never waste the time,
wake up dizzy by the river,
with a bottle got no wine

Mr. Blind, you've been cheatin' all your life,
Mr. Blind, who's that woman wanna cry,
full of pain to walk away,
that's the day you lose your wife

Mr. Blind, never too late to realise,
Mr. Blind, never too late to realise,
resolution, replace addiction,
time to bring back a beautiful life

(A 12 Bar Blues in the key of E, for those who addicted to alcohol and gamblin' games, you can always get back to life as long as you decide to quit. Right, it's never easy, only if you believe...)